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Dumortierite Tumbled Crystal

This tumbled Dumortierite is a wonderful shade of blue and is mined in Africa. Sizes between 20mm-30mm. Dumortierite assists in boosting intellectual abilities, increases self confidence, and maintains patience in...
$3.00 Sold Out
Fire Agate Tumbled Crystal Fire Agate Tumbled Crystal

Fire Agate Tumbled Crystal

Fire Agate is a unique form of chalcedony, a mineral in the family of quartz stones. When the stone is turned, the flecks of different colours appear like flames as it has...
Flint Tumbled Crystal Flint Tumbled Crystal

Flint Tumbled Crystal

Flint's vibration connects to all the physical chakras, supporting, balancing and aligning their energies so that we can enjoy energy stability, and then bring our subtle body towards a harmonisation of...
Fluorite Tumbled Crystal Fluorite Tumbled Crystal

Fluorite Tumbled Crystal

Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilising stone, useful for grounding and harmonising spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to...
Galaxy Tumbled Crystal Galaxy Tumbled Crystal

Galaxy Tumbled Crystal

stone of wonder, star, galaxy Stone sizes between 20mm-30mm.
Garnet in Limestone Tumbled Crystal Garnet in Limestone Tumbled Crystal

Garnet in Limestone Tumbled Crystal

Garnet in Limestone has very unique properties. It is a powerful stone of attraction and great for creating change and emotional healing. This stone helps strengthen the imagination as well...
Girasol Quartz Tumbled Crystal Girasol Quartz Tumbled Crystal

Girasol Quartz Tumbled Crystal

Girasol Quartz is a light pink variety of Quartz from Madagascar. This light stone has incredible healing benefits. Girasol is a stone of gentle but powerful calming energy that can...
Gold Calcite Tumbled Crystal Gold Calcite Tumbled Crystal

Gold Calcite Tumbled Crystal

Gold Calcite comes from Brazil, it is a beautiful translucent golden colour. Stone sizes between 20mm-30mm. Gold Calcite inspires you to keep moving forward and focus on your strengths. It helps...
Golden Labradorite Tumbled Crystal Golden Labradorite Tumbled Crystal

Golden Labradorite Tumbled Crystal

This Tumbled stone Golden Labradorite comes from Brazil. Stone sizes are between 20mm - 30mm well polish. It is a stone of the highest levels of consciousness, visualisation, clairvoyance, channeling....
Golden Rutile Quartz Tumbled Crystal Golden Rutile Quartz Tumbled Crystal

Golden Rutile Quartz Tumbled Crystal

This tumbled Golden Rutile Quartz comes from Brazil. Stone sizes between 20mm-30mm. Rutilated Quartz is comprised of two crystals, Rutile and Quartz, bringing healing properties of the two stones. Rutile...
Goldstone Blue Tumbled Crystal Goldstone Blue Tumbled Crystal

Goldstone Blue Tumbled Crystal

Blue Goldstone contains the natural elements of copper, cobalt, and quartz, which all have powerful healing qualities. The combination is what creates Blue Goldstone’s benefits and metaphysical properties. Blue goldstone is...
Goldstone Brown Tumbled Crystal Goldstone Brown Tumbled Crystal
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