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The Sleep Cycle, Improving Dream Recall, Common Dream Symbols and Their Meaning
Dreams are a succession of visual images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood despite having been a topic of study since ancient times.
Everyone dreams. All humans have this in common. Some cannot recall their dreams which may lead them to claim they do not dream, but this is false.
Not only does everyone dream, but everyone (regardless of nationality, background, gender or stage of life) tends to dream about common themes and common things (or symbols).
Dreams are still mysteries to us. They may reveal aspects of life pertaining to the past as well as the future. They may sometimes provide a way to escape life's challenges. They may reflect who we really are, what we are feeling and what we believe. At times, they may simply be a crazy ride played out in our minds for our own entertainment.
What is clear is that decoding the themes and symbols that appear in dreams can be helpful in providing an insight into our emotional and physiological subconscious.
This Guide outlines the sleep cycle and how it relates to dream activity and dream recall. It provides an overview of the tools which can be applied to better remember and interpret dreams. In addition, it contains a straightforward, summarised, easy to reference dictionary of key common dream themes & symbols and their associated possible meaning or application to the dreamer's waking life.
Each Guide consists of eight A4 pages that fold into each other. The Guides are quality printed in full colour and protection coated on both sides. The material is a sturdy board.