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This tumbled Golden Rutile Quartz comes from Brazil. Stone sizes between 20mm-30mm. Rutilated Quartz is comprised of two crystals, Rutile and Quartz, bringing healing properties of the two stones. Rutile improves your awareness, while Clear Quartz brings in positive energy. This crystal helps you keep everything in perspective, even during...

This tumbled Golden Rutile Quartz comes from Brazil. Stone sizes between 20mm-30mm.

Rutilated Quartz is comprised of two crystals, Rutile and Quartz, bringing healing properties of the two stones. Rutile improves your awareness, while Clear Quartz brings in positive energy. This crystal helps you keep everything in perspective, even during life’s ups and downs. It can heal unhappiness and clear the way to a spiritual awakening. Meditating with Rutilated Quartz with help you find your true self by gaining clarity to find your path to happiness.

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