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Hypersthene gently brings you back to present time and its energy will emit your vibrations across your entire auric field! If you're looking for focus and clarity, Hypersthene will help you find the precise answers you're looking for. Its grounding energy will allow you to navigate your journey graciously with...

Hypersthene gently brings you back to present time and its energy will emit your vibrations across your entire auric field! If you're looking for focus and clarity, Hypersthene will help you find the precise answers you're looking for. Its grounding energy will allow you to navigate your journey graciously with control and laser focus. Open your Third Eye Chakra and tap into your inner vision!

This tumbled Hypersthene comes from Canada. Sizes are between 20mm-30mm. Known as a "magical stone".

Stone of Psychic abilities, Clairvoyance, Meditation, Abundance

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