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Cinnamon has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit for kings. It's also associated with passion, lust and sexual desire, which makes it good for lust spells, aphrodisiac spells. But...

Cinnamon has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit for kings. It's also associated with passion, lust and sexual desire, which makes it good for lust spells, aphrodisiac spells. But the thing that really sets it apart is cinnamon is really good at raising energy. If you're trying to raise energy, cinnamon is the incense you want to burn.

Contents: 15 grams - Long lasting slow burn, 100% Natural, No Chemicals

Smudging with Banjara Incenses

Smudging is a gift for all - irrespective of the beliefs and values one carries. It is a simple and safe ritual, practised by various cultures around the world. It is an ancient ritual used to cleanse oneself and the surrounding from negative energies. The process is simple and the ritual consist in burning sacred herbs to clear and consecrate the space. Hence, smudging invites peace and harmony, and in turn clears the slate clean for a fresh new start.

What are the benefits of smudging?

The following benefits highlight why one should inculcate the practice of smudging in daily living:

a)  Smudging primarily helps in clearing negative energy of a space. The smoke from such incense and herbs helps to change the molecular structure of both the air and energy, which produces a cleansing effect. In theory, the smoke takes away along with it, the negative energy and converts that into positive energy in another space.

b)  Smudging has been found to be an effective practice in aromatherapy. This is due to the fact that the sense of smell is strongly linked to memory and instinct, which in turn is very effective for combatting feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, grief and depression.

A Smudging Prayer

I release all energies that are no longer

in service to my greatest good. 

I ask that only love, light, health, wealth,

happiness and abundance fill my space.

And so it is.

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