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The Brazilian tumbled Citrine has a bright golden colour and is highly polished. Citrine is a very useful metaphysical crystal as its energy is strong. Sizes between 10mm-20mm.
Citrine balances and opens all chakras, clears the mind, and increases focus. It decreases depression and anger, and is great for increased wealth and abundance, courage, and personal power. Not only that, but Citrine helps to manifest ideas, confidence, and joy. This stone clears the aura and never needs cleaning!
KEY WORDS: Abundance, Activates will, Creativity, Expression, Manifestation, Prosperity, Psychic abilities, Reducing negative energy, Wealth, White light.
CHAKRAS: Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra.
ASTROLOGICAL: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra.