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Kyanite helps move blocked energy and aligns all chakras. It can produce vivid dreams and helps with meditation and manifestation. Kyanite facilitates self-expression, communication, and speaking your truth by promoting peaceful energy. This stone does not accumulate negative energy, so it never needs cleansing! High vibration! This tumbled Kyanite comes from Brazil....

Kyanite helps move blocked energy and aligns all chakras. It can produce vivid dreams and helps with meditation and manifestation. Kyanite facilitates self-expression, communication, and speaking your truth by promoting peaceful energy. This stone does not accumulate negative energy, so it never needs cleansing! High vibration!

This tumbled Kyanite comes from Brazil. Sizes are between 20mm-30mm. Kyanite aligns the chakras. This stone does not need cleansing. 

Stone of Attunement, Meditation, Psychic abilities, Spirit energy, Blockages, Dream recall.

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