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The ritual that we call "smudging" comes from the Native Americans. Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or to enhance intuition. Through the use of certain herbs, they make contact with the spiritual world. The best-known herb used for this is White Sage. Often other herbs or plants such as Cedar and Lavender are used as well or combined with the White Sage in the bundles.
By contacting the spirit world, the Native Americans cleanse themselves and their environment from bad energies. The strong smell of sage also ensures that unwanted odours disappear. Burning sage or smudge can lift one's mood, it can also be a great ally against stress and is also suitable for meditation.
Smudge sticks can be used for cleansing of the aura, for example before meditation or prayer, or they are quite often used by body workers and therapists before treatment.